10 Practical Courses to Lead a Thriving Church

Are You Ready to Transform Your Church in 2025? 5 Commitments for Pastors



Building a Complete Discipleship Pathway

THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2025, at 3:00 PM EST


10 Practical Courses to
Lead a Thriving Church

As pastors and church leaders, the new year often brings renewed focus on ministry goals and spiritual growth. Some leaders choose a “word for the year,” hoping it will guide their church’s vision. But let’s be honest: resolutions and abstract words rarely grow disciples or advance the mission.

If you want 2025 to be the year you lead with clarity, deepen your church’s impact, and multiply disciples, it’s time to replace resolutions with actionable commitments.

Here are five commitments that will help you lead your church with greater focus, purpose, and Kingdom impact in the year ahead:

1. Prioritize What Only You Can Do in Ministry

Pastoral leadership isn’t about doing everything; it’s doing what you’re uniquely gifted to do. This year, commit to identifying and executing your unique pastoral responsibilities and delegating other tasks.

Practical Steps:

    • Identify your top three unique ministry giftings.
    • Evaluate how your daily work interacts with your unique skills.
    • Equip and empower staff and volunteers to take ownership of tasks you shouldn’t do.

🔑 Pro Tip: Pastors can’t—and shouldn’t—do it all. When you focus on your unique calling, your church thrives as you empower others to lead effectively.

If delegation feels like a struggle, I can help. Developing a culture of empowered delegation is one of the most transformative practices for churches I coach.

2. Invest in Your Own Spiritual and Leadership Growth

Too often, pastors focus on shepherding others while neglecting their own development. In 2025, commit to intentional growth—spiritually, theologically, and as a leader—and watch how it transforms your ministry and your church.

Practical Steps:

    • Choose one book, course, or conference to grow your ministry skills each quarter.
    • Build regular rhythms for personal reflection and prayer.
    • Find a coach or mentor to sharpen your leadership.

📚 Pastoral Growth Tip: If you’re stepping into a new church or role, my guidebook Big Shoes to Fill: Stepping Into A New Leadership Role…Without Stepping In It could be the resource you need.

3. Foster Clarity and Accountability Across Ministries

Ministries can falter without clear expectations and consistent follow-through. Commit to creating a culture where your staff, volunteers, and congregation know what’s expected and feel supported to stay on mission.

Practical Steps:

    • Use the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) for ministry goals.
    • Hold monthly staff and volunteer check-ins to review progress.
    • Celebrate faithfulness and Kingdom wins during team meetings or worship services.

💡 Accountability Insight: True accountability begins with self-accountability. Model this in your ministry to inspire your team to stay mission-focused.

4. Lead with Empathy and Relational Connection

Pastoral leadership is relational at its core. In 2025, commit to strengthening connections—with staff, volunteers, and your congregation—by leading with empathy and understanding.

Practical Steps:

    • Schedule one-on-one time with key leaders and volunteers.
    • Use open-ended questions to listen deeply, such as, “What’s one way I can pray for you this week?”
    • Pay attention to and celebrate personal milestones within your church family.

🖊 Pastoral Connection Tip: The turning point in my ministry leadership came when I shifted from focusing on church tasks to prioritizing people. Ministry happens through relationships.

5. Stay Aligned with the Gospel Mission

The demands of ministry can pull you in countless directions, but the Gospel mission must remain central. Commit to aligning every decision and initiative with the mission of making disciples.

Practical Steps:

    • Include your church’s mission statement in every staff and ministry meeting agenda.
    • Create a “Gospel mission filter” checklist for new programs: Does this advance disciple-making?
    • Regularly share testimonies that illustrate how your church is living out its mission.

🎯 Mission Mindset: As pastors, we are stewards of God’s mission, not our preferences or traditions. Stay mission-driven to guide your church faithfully into 2025.

Evaluating and helping churches create better discipleship pathways is primary to our work. Learn more about the Discipleship Accelerator here.


Conclusion: Intentions Matter Less Than Actions

Pastoral leadership isn’t about good intentions; it’s about faithful actions. Commit to one leadership focus for the first 90 days of 2025. Track your progress, celebrate Kingdom wins, and build momentum before taking on the next goal.

The commitments you make today will shape your church tomorrow. What will you commit to in 2025?

Call to Action: Align Your Leadership with God’s Mission

If this post inspired you, share it with your staff or volunteer leaders to spark a conversation about 2025 ministry goals.

Quotes for Inspiration:
  • “A good leader leads the people from above them. A great leader leads the people from within them.” —M.D. Arnold
  • “Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.” —Simon Sinek
Resources for Further Learning:


One More Thing…

The Church Accelerator Community offers consulting, coaching, content, and community for churches of every size in any denomination.

Work with us and receive unlimited access to our resource section, full of courses, frameworks, supporting documents, and our new Custom AI tools (Devotion Writer, Sermon Outline Creator, Sermon Evaluator, Small Group Question Writer, and more).

Partnership starts at $49, which gets you about $5,000 in resources. Don’t wait. Become a partner today.

Leading With You,
Dr. Gavin Adams


Building a Complete Discipleship Pathway

THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2025, at 3:00 PM EST