Great churches don't happen by accident.
It can feel impossible to work on
your church when you're so busy working in it.
We understand how hard it is to step back from day-to-day church work to evaluate and improve.
Yet, if left unchecked, your methods accidentally become your mission.
“In the last six months, we’ve experienced a:
➡️ 206% Increase in NEW GIVERS
➡️ 62% Increase in TOTAL GIVERS
➡️ 26% Growth in TOTAL GIVING
➡️ 112% Increase in RECURRING GIVERS
It may be coincidental, but:
➡️ ATTENDANCE grew by 48%
➡️ SERVING increased by 13%”
Bryant Golden, Senior Pastor,
Centerpoint Church – Tampa, FL
We coach and consult with churches with fewer than 100 attendees to churches with over 10,000 to improve:
Accelerate spiritual growth by guiding individuals along a spiritual journey of sequential steps.
Preaching &
Accelerate application over information by elevating your preaching and communication.
Help grow and scale your church through leadership, culture, and strategic planning.
Let’s see how working together works best for you.
Hi. I'm Dr. Gavin Adams, founder of the Church Accelerator Community.
My 10 years of marketplace consulting plus over 15 years of ministry leadership gives me a unique and uncommon understanding of church and organizational challenges.
I’d love to partner with you and your church to help you grow yourself, your church, and the Kingdom.
“In the last six months, we’ve experienced a:
- 206% Increase in NEW GIVERS
- 62% Increase in TOTAL GIVERS
- 26% Growth in TOTAL GIVING
- 112% Increase in RECURRING GIVERS
It may be coincidental, but:
- ATTENDANCE grew by 48%
- SERVING increased by 13%”
Bryant Golden, Senior Pastor, Centerpoint Church – Tampa, FL
“These past few weeks have been so rich. The content is fabulous. It’s new. It’s stuff we’ve never really thought about before. It’s fresh and massively helpful.”
Duncan Banks, Network Director, Further Faster Church Network – UK