10 Practical Courses to Lead a Thriving Church

How To Never Lose a Staff Member Again!



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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2025, at 2:00 PM EST


10 Practical Courses to
Lead a Thriving Church

Is it possible to stop losing staff members?

If you lead an organization of any kind, you’ve most likely experienced the effect of the “Great Resignation.”

Workers are evaluating their employment and changing jobs in record numbers.

Losing staff isn’t a pandemic-created crisis, though. Staff retention is a constant battle for any organizational leader. It seems too often you hire a great young leader only to invest in their development so they can go somewhere else.

It’s frustrating.

In our humanity, we tend to cast blame. Mostly toward others. The exodus of employees is a perfect place for blame casting. “They’re leaving because __________________ (fill in the blank with something that is clearly their fault).

There is an easy way never to lose a staff member again.

Are you ready for it?

It’s foolproof. Always works. You’ll never invest time, resources, and energy on an employee again only to see them take their talents elsewhere.

Here’s the solution to never lose a staff member again:

Stop hiring good people!

That’s right. Just stop hiring people with potential. Stop hiring people with skills. Stop hiring those dang leaders with their ideas and aspirations.

The solution is oh so simple! Hire only mediocre people.

That’s the best way never to lose staff again. Mediocre employees never leave on their own. They’ll be with you indefinitely. They’ll be late to meetings and probably leave the office early, but they will always come back (late, again).

Seriously. I know this is sarcastic, but it’s the only way to keep everyone you hire.

Of course, other employee retention issues perhaps need to be addressed. Your staff culture may be lacking. There may be department infighting. Maybe there is room for more delegation and less micromanagement. I don’t know. What I do know is that it is impossible to hire good people and keep them forever.

No matter how great an organization you create, there is no possible way to keep everyone forever.

And you don’t want that, anyway. No leader wants to see their staff stagnate. You don’t want your team to stop growing and seeking more responsibility. You don’t want people who scrap their aspirations.

If you want to stop losing staff members, the solution is easy – hire mediocre people. They’ll never leave.

On the other hand, if you are like most leaders, you’re going to seek out the best of the best. You’ll hire them. You’ll train them. They’ll grow and develop and contribute. And, at some point, they will leave. When they do, celebrate what you helped create. And get another fantastic person who will most likely one day go, too.

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