10 Practical Courses to Lead a Thriving Church

Funding Funnel Masterclass Session Five

SESSION FIVE  By implementing a system such as the funding funnel, you can make generosity an outcome, not your objective. In our final conversation, we considered how capital campaigns and year-end giving play a role in our funding funnel. QUICK REMINDER: I work with a variety of churches to help add more intention to their […]

Funding Funnel Masterclass Session Three

SESSION THREE  Inspiring non-givers to tip is exactly how a generosity movement begins for an individual. But that’s just our first step. Giving may be incremental, but generosity is a lifestyle. In our third session, we expanded the movement to consider how to best inspire people to step through the rest of the funding funnel. […]

Funding Funnel Masterclass Session Four

SESSION FOUR  Giving is a spiritual conversation, not a financial one. The entire funding funnel is built as a discipleship journey, allowing people to move forward spiritually while inspiring them to live generously. In our fourth session, we discovered what’s happening in our church today, designed a complete strategy to move generosity forward, and learned […]

Funding Funnel Masterclass Session Two

SESSION TWO  In this session, we focused on moving non-giver to emotional tippers. Specifically, we evaluated why people tip so we could consider ideas that can inspire your non-givers to take this first step on their generosity journey.   BEFORE YOU BEGIN SESSION THREE:  Design specific strategies to engage non-givers through emotion and specific needs. […]

Funding Funnel Masterclass Overview

YOUR NEW FUNDING SYSTEM Systems add intention to your mission. That’s why you need a generosity system like the Funding Funnel. Success is accidental and unrepeatable without a system, and failure is less fixable. I created this masterclass experience to help you design a holistic system for growing generosity in your church.   FREE RESOURCES  […]

Funding Funnel Masterclass Session One

SESSION ONE  In our first conversation, we focused on why it’s so challenging to engage generosity, common pitfalls, our generosity goal, and our giving categories.   BEFORE SESSION TWO:  Define your boundaries within the categories. NOTE: In the free course materials, you can download my suggested boundaries for each category, but your community demographics and […]

Discover the Sermon Strategies Driving Growth in America’s Fastest Growing Churches

We’ve compiled a spreadsheet detailing the last 12 sermon series from the 100 fastest-growing churches in America.