10 Practical Courses to Lead a Thriving Church

A fresh perspective delivered through a personal partnership.

When you become a partner, it's like you're adding an on-demand strategic team member.

We know how you feel.

You’re deeply passionate about your church mission and community impact. 

After all, you felt called into ministry and accepted this church leadership role to reach people and grow disciples. 

However, you’re also facing challenges in church growth, engagement, and leadership.

Who is supporting you while you support your church and community?


Personalized In-Person Coaching with Gavin Adams
Customized Digital Coaching
Lead Pastor Monthly Community Call
Campus or Executive Pastor
Monthly Community Call
Resource Access
AI Tools
Monthly Open Office Hours


Select an option to learn more or take our Partnership Assessment.


Churches seeking comprehensive resources to enhance internal and external church activities strategically.
Monthly open office hours for any Resource Partner wanting to ask questions or discuss a ministry strategy. 
Unlimited access to all resources, including sermons and message series, courses, e-books, templates, exclusive content, and our new AI Sermon Tools. Valued at over $5,00.00! 
ONLY $49 per month.
Cancel any time. 


Churches hoping to enhance their mission intentionality with resources and personalized coaching
Two one-hour individual Zoom sessions each month tailored to church-specific initiatives.
One monthly lead pastor group session with like-minded ministry leaders focused on connection and ministry strategies.

Starting at $1,000 per month, based on the level of engagement and services needed.

This partnership includes regular strategic consulting, leadership coaching over Zoom.



Churches wanting personalized and individual leadership coaching and ministry consulting with Dr. Gavin Adams.

Five one-hour individual Zoom sessions every quarter tailored to church-specific initiatives.
Quarterly multi-day visits with Gavin designed around you and your church. This can include preaching and/or strategic work.
Deep involvement beginning at $2,000 per month.

This partnership includes a mix of in-person workshops and digital coaching. Strategic Partners see Gavin as part of their leadership team.

With only a few spots available, we prioritize long-term relationships that deliver consistent value.


Several churches in our coaching community use this strategy to cultivate generosity. 

I recently visited Beachside Community Church in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, and watched this strategy in action.

Jonathan, the lead pastor, stepped onto the stage after the worship set and, with great enthusiasm, said:

“I’m so glad you are all here to celebrate and experience our FOR Sunday. Because we are ‘FOR our community, every fourth Sunday we ask our church to support a worthy organization in the community. Last month we asked you to give and serve with the Hope Shelter, and you came through for them in a huge way.”

Jonathan shared the serving numbers and giving amount for the Hope Shelter. They raised over $4,000 and served 40 or so total hours with this organization. After this celebration, Jonathan made the ask for this month:

“Today, we have an opportunity to do more good in our community and help another great organization go further, faster. Give a Kid a Chance is an organization focused on helping students in impoverished areas go to college and grow educationally. Our goal is to provide one or two fully scholarships for these kids and have several of you participate as a mentor. To investigate serving opportunities, you can use the QR code on the seat back. Our generosity goal is 100% participation. You can give a few dollars or a few thousand dollars.”

Now, here is where the magic happens. Remember, this is an on-ramp for people, so they need to take the first step.

“What we love about these FOR Sunday’s is that every penny you give FOR the community goes straight out the door into the community. We even cover the administrative costs and credit card fees! I know many of you have been burned by generosity in the past or struggle to trust the church with your money. I get that. If you give to this FOR opportunity today, we don’t keep or use a single penny. I hope you will go our website or use the QR code on the seatback to give. “

Another church in our growing community did this for the first time a few weeks ago, and 11 people who had never given to their church gave to a community organization through their church.

This type of on-ramp requires some follow-up and nurturing for givers, but it works. Why? It’s an easy step for anyone to take.

The same method works for engaging people to serve. Find individual moments where people who don’t yet volunteer can give an hour. Invite them specifically and create an incredible serving moment for them. It doesn’t feel like much, but it’s a step in the right direction. One that they can and will more likely take.

“Gavin has been crucial as we have sought to refine strategies to help those who attend our church take easy and obvious next steps. Over the last year, we have seen engagement rise in adult attendance, first-time guests, volunteers, and giving. I don’t doubt for one second our church is heading in a positive direction for the foreseeable future thanks to Gavin’s help and wisdom!”

– Jonathan Watson, Senior Pastor, Beachside Community Church - Fort Walton, FL

“In just two months, 122 people gave to Centerpoint Church for the very first time, and we added 18 new recurring givers! Working with Gavin on our generosity system gave us a plan to grow giving and fully fund our church.”

– Bryant Golden, Senior Pastor, Centerpoint Church - Tampa, FL

Join our community of like-minded church leaders
working to add more intention to their mission.

Paul Smith, Senior Pastor, Rivertown Community Church - Marianna, FL​

“As a coach, Gavin’s external perspective clarified our vision and helped us build a better model for our community. As a mentor, his ministry experience allows him to encourage our team while providing unique insight.”

Bryant Golden, Senior Pastor, Centerpoint Church - Tampa, FL​

“In just two months, 122 people gave to Centerpoint Church for the very first time, and we added 18 new recurring givers! Working with Gavin on our generosity system gave us a plan to grow giving and fully fund our church.”

Chris Patton, Senior Pastor, Southside Church - Peachtree City, GA​

“Gavin has been incredibly helpful as a teaching pastor at our church while developing our communicators. He truly has a gift for extracting relevant, helpful message and series content and helping our communicators do the same.”

Duncan Banks, Network Director, Further Faster Church Network – UK

“These past few weeks have been so rich. The content is fabulous. It’s new. It’s stuff we’ve never really thought about before. It’s fresh and massively helpful.”


The Church Accelerator Community is a network dedicated to helping churches and church leaders accelerate their mission, growth, and impact through personalized coaching, strategic resources, and a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

Church leaders, pastors, and church staff who are seeking to overcome growth barriers, enhance their leadership skills, and implement effective strategies for church development and community engagement.

Strategic Partnerships offer the highest level of engagement, including personal coaching and in-person visits, while Community Partnerships focus on virtual coaching and strategic support. Resource Partnerships provide access to a wide and growing range of digital resources and courses for self-paced growth and learning.

Once you become a partner, you will receive login details to access our online portal, where all the courses and resources are available.

The Sermon Bank is available to all partners and contains an ever growing number of individual messages and sermon series. 

Each message and series comes with a sermon outline, key description, small group questions, and digital assets where appropriate. 

There are no prerequisites; however, we recommend having a clear goal or vision for your church’s growth and development to maximize the benefits of our offerings.

We limit the number of Strategic Partners to 8 churches to ensure maximum personalized attention for these leaders.

Community Partners are limited to 10 churches. 

If you are interest in either of these partnerships or want to join our waitlist, please apply for partnership.

While we recommend a minimum commitment to see tangible results, we offer flexible partnership terms that can be monthly, quarterly, or annually, allowing you to choose what best fits your church’s needs.

You can upgrade your partnership level if space is available. 

Strategic and Community Partnerships can be changed or cancelled at the end of each quarter session. 

Resource Partners can cancel any time. 

Community sessions are monthly virtual meetings where members can share experiences, challenges, and successes. Each call allows for connection and a topically directed conversation. 

Our Strategic Partnership offers the most personalized support, including one-on-one in-person coaching sessions and tailored strategic planning. You can also request additional coaching or consulting services as needed.

Begin by downloading our free resource to assess how the Church Accelerator Community can meet your needs.

Next, explore the site and learn more about our community

When you’re ready, select the partnership level that best aligns with your church’s goals.

Discover the Sermon Strategies Driving Growth in America’s Fastest Growing Churches

We’ve compiled a spreadsheet detailing the last 12 sermon series from the 100 fastest-growing churches in America.