10 Practical Courses to Lead a Thriving Church

5 Things Better Than Making 5 Year Plans

When’s the last time someone asked you, “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

It seems like a ridiculous question in our world today.

Can you imagine answering this question in January or February of 2020?

We have no idea what the future will actually bring. We can’t control the opportunities and obstacles that lay ahead. But we can do something.

Rather than make five-year plans, I’d suggest making five-year preparations.

7 Actions to Take When Leading Toward a Future You Can’t Predict

NEW POST: 7 Actions to Take When Leading Toward a Future You Can’t Predict

QUESTION ANSWERED IN THIS POST: As a leader, what should you do when you need to lead forward into a future you can’t predict?

Some context:
Anyone else exhausted by bold leaders and their convincing statements about a future they can’t actually predict?

Of course, I get it. A leader’s calling is to LEAD. Leaders consider present situations to inspire future direction.

We are not called, however, to pretend we know what the future holds.

We are leaders, not fortune tellers.

I refuse to be bold enough to prescribe a strategy. I will tell you what I believe great leaders do when looking at the future.

In this post, I give you 7 leadership actions to take when you are unsure about the future.


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THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2025, at 3:00 PM EST