10 Practical Courses to Lead a Thriving Church

The Rise and Fall of YOUR Successful Organization

This is Lesson 2 from our Leadership Lessons series.

LESSON TWO: It’s dangerous to succeed.
KEY QUESTION: How can we make success less risky while keeping success as a priority?

Many things can take down your church or company, but none may be sneakier than success.

Here are seven deadly sins of organizational success:

1. A “good news” focus, where we excuse away the bad news and celebrate anything better than average.
2. Mounds of red tape that keep the staff from even asking to innovate.
3. The previous generation (or founders) make all the leadership decisions, and keep the organization tied to what once worked.
4. Unnecessary risk aversion, because the organization is too afraid to fail.
5. Doubling-down on what and how, not why.
6. Maintaining order at almost any cost.
7. Stewardship of the budget and expenses is replaced by decisions void of value.

In this NEW POST, I outline in more detail the above sins and propose solutions for each.

Discover the Sermon Strategies Driving Growth in America’s Fastest Growing Churches

We’ve compiled a spreadsheet detailing the last 12 sermon series from the 100 fastest-growing churches in America.