10 Practical Courses to Lead a Thriving Church

Could Getting Better Be The Secret to Getting Bigger?

Feeling stuck in your growth efforts? This post reveals why focusing on improvement, as demonstrated by Chick-fil-A’s success story, could be your key to unlocking bigger achievements. Find out how getting better can lead to getting bigger.

Your Followers Are Waiting On You To Go First

A few weeks ago, I took my 15-year-old to a Billie Eilish movie concert.

What I experienced, outside of a pretty good concert experience, was a memorable leadership lesson.

Read this NEW POST if you’re a leader. Your team is watching and waiting on you to go first.

You Should Be In More Meetings!

No leader is looking for more meetings to attend, but if you’re not holding these three meetings, you’ll lack the relational influence to lead well.

In this NEW POST, I unpack the three most critical meetings every leader should have to grow relational influence.

ALSO… if you’ve not downloaded the FREE e-book (How Management Slowly Destroys Leadership) or watched the FREE leadership video resource on my site, be sure to check it out:

7 Steps to Get the Full Story from Your Staff (Or Most of It)

Have you ever heard of “skip-level meetings?”

A leader and friend told me about this practice a decade ago and it unlocked some of my most important organizational insights.

In this NEW POST, I outline the 7 steps you must take to implement this learning practice.

More, I give you the exact questions I ask in these skip-level meetings.

I hope you can implement this practice in your organization!

ONE MORE THING: I have one opening in my portfolio for a consulting relationship. Here’s what I offer with this service:

Leadership Coaching Partnership: An exceptional coaching partnership should be mutually beneficial. I use the word “partnership” on purpose, as I desire to become more than a strategic coach, but a friend, supporter, and encourager of you and the organization you serve. The Leadership Coaching Partnership includes digital coaching sessions and on-site experiences.

If you’d like to learn more about this opportunity, please respond to this email. Thanks.

Remove these 4 Emotional Obstacles to Maximize Your Potential

Maximizing potential is the greatest organizational goal. If you have a mission and vision, the gap between where you are and what you’re experiences represents potential. You can close this gap, but there will be some emotional obstacles along the way.

Why You Should Stop Comparing Candidates When Hiring 

Of all the difficult decisions leaders must make, hiring and firing are certainly toward the top.

Finding the best people for an open position is always challenging. Often we interview many people looking for that perfect fit. During the process, often two candidates rise to the top. When this happens, something dangerous is right around the corner:

The Personnel Comparison Trap.

In this NEW POST, I unpack the trap and give you some tips to avoid it when you are making your next hire.

The Number 1 Reason to Fire People

During my leadership tenure, I’ve had the unfortunate task of firing several people. In every single case, I did what I could to help them succeed in the role. But when I realized they didn’t have a long-term future in our organization, I had no choice but to let them go.

Human Resources decisions are challenging. They should be. After all, people are not resources but humans. These people have families. They have friends. They’ve committed to the organization and potentially to you.

In this NEW POST, I outline the process I’ve used to let people go. It’s never an easy thing to do, but it’s often the kindest thing we can do.

10 Ways To Kill Your Team

Every leader wants to have a dynamic team.

Too few leaders understand how to build a dynamic team.

So often, we wrongfully assume our teammates are the problem. Sure, at times, a team member may need to be assigned to a new group or released to be a free agent. However, most of the time, our leadership behaviors kill our team because our behavior carries the most weight in the team.

Are you the most significant problem on your team? 

I offer you 10 foolproof ways to kill your team. I’ll expand on each item below, but if you’re a “give me the list upfront” kind of person, here you go:

1. Meet only when there is a crisis.
2. Allow the strong personalities to dominate the discussion.
3. Allow team decisions to be undermined by private meetings after the team meeting.
4. Have your mind made up before you get input from the team.
5. Remain inflexible in the face of new information.
6. Cut off debate.
7. Don’t hold team members accountable for their assignments.
8. Ignore the intangibles.
9. Expect more of the team than you expect of yourself.
10. Take individual credit for the accomplishments of the team.

Read the entire NEW POST for more details…

5 Strategies to Bring Your Best Back Home

We are looking at Lesson 3 from our Leadership Lessons series.

LESSON THREE: It’s hardest at home.
KEY QUESTION: How can we, as leaders, bring our best to the people who have our best interests in mind?

To be your best at home, you must reserve your best for home.

Here are five strategies to help you reserve a portion of your best for those you love the most.

1. Protect your calendar.
2. Know how you best recover.
3. Take time off.
4. Limit work outside of working hours.
5. Date your mate.

Check out the full article for all the details…

Discover the Sermon Strategies Driving Growth in America’s Fastest Growing Churches

We’ve compiled a spreadsheet detailing the last 12 sermon series from the 100 fastest-growing churches in America.