10 Practical Courses to Lead a Thriving Church

Why Discipleship Resistance Is More Normal Than You Think (and How to Overcome It)



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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2025, at 2:00 PM EST


10 Practical Courses to
Lead a Thriving Church

The Long History of Resistance

If you’ve ever felt frustrated because people in your church resist discipleship, you’re in good company. God’s people have been resisting His call since the very beginning. From the golden calf in the wilderness to Jesus’ parables falling on deaf ears, resistance isn’t just common—it’s the norm.

One of the most significant hurdles for discipleship isn’t programs, resources, or even leadership. It’s desire. Discipleship starts with a willingness to follow, and as much as we’d like to believe otherwise, many people aren’t eager to drop their nets and walk into the unknown.

The Myth and Pattern of Discipleship

We love the story of Jesus’ first disciples—ordinary fishermen abandoning their boats and livelihoods at His call. It’s inspiring, but let’s be honest: it’s also highly unusual. These fishermen said “yes” because they had the desire—something they’d longed for since childhood.

However, this kind of immediate obedience is far from the norm. Consider these examples:

  • The rich young ruler walked away sad.
  • Crowds loved Jesus’ miracles but fled when the message became difficult.
  • Even Peter, a disciple, denied knowing Jesus when the stakes were high.

This pattern of resistance isn’t new. The Old Testament is filled with stories of God’s people saying “no” to Him:

  • The Israelites: Freed from slavery, they still longed for Egypt.
  • The Prophets: Jeremiah and Ezekiel faced rejection despite delivering God’s word.

Resistance has always been part of the story of faith.

Bottom Line

Resistance isn’t new; it’s deeply human. We can’t expect discipleship today to be without challenges. Resistance is predictable, but it’s not insurmountable.

Why Resistance Happens

Why do people resist discipleship? It’s not always outright rebellion. Often, it’s more subtle. Here are three common reasons:

1. Fear of Change

Transformation is uncomfortable. People may fear losing control, security, or status when they follow Jesus.

2. Lack of Understanding

When discipleship is presented as a list of rules rather than a life-giving relationship with Christ, it feels burdensome, not freeing.

3. Cultural Barriers

In an individualistic world, the communal and sacrificial aspects of discipleship can feel counterintuitive. Personal goals often take precedence over spiritual growth.

Overcoming Discipleship Resistance

Resistance may be normal, but it’s not unbeatable. Here’s how you can guide people through it:

1. Start with Desire

Discipleship begins with a spark, not a curriculum.
✅ Share stories of transformation.
✅ Cast a vision for life with Christ.
✅ Help people see why following Jesus is worth it.

2. Meet People Where They Are

Stop expecting overnight transformation. Discipleship is a process.
✅ Meet seekers at their level.
✅ Walk with students as they learn.
✅ Guide disciples through their growth.

3. Cast a Vision for the Long-Term

Discipleship isn’t about behavior—it’s about becoming who God created us to be.
✅ Show how following Jesus leads to joy, peace, and purpose.
✅ Emphasize the “why” behind the “what.”

4. Stay Faithful

Resistance is a reflection of human nature, not your leadership.
✅ Remain consistent in pointing people to Christ.
✅ Trust God’s timing as you plant seeds for transformation.

A Word of Encouragement

If you’re feeling discouraged by resistance, take heart. You’re part of a long line of leaders who have walked this road. From Moses to Jeremiah to Jesus Himself, resistance has always been part of the journey.

But here’s the good news: God’s purposes are never thwarted by human hesitation. Stay faithful. Keep planting seeds. Trust that in God’s timing, those seeds will grow. Discipleship is about pointing people to the One worth following—again and again.

Call to Action:

Want to create a discipleship pathway that overcomes resistance? Explore our consulting services at Church Accelerator Community.

Quotes for Inspiration:
  1. “Discipleship starts with desire, not a curriculum.”
  2. “Resistance isn’t rejection—it’s an invitation to meet people where they are.”
  3. “God’s purposes are never thwarted by human hesitation.”
Resources for Further Learning:

One More Thing…

Are you confident that your church is effectively making disciples?

Discipleship is the fundamental mission of the local church. And it affects everything in and around a local church.

Unclear pathways, siloed ministries, and disengaged congregants keep churches stuck. I created the Discipleship Accelerator to help churches get back on mission.

The Discipleship Accelerator is a step-by-step process to help you evaluate your current discipleship efforts, craft a clear and measurable pathway for growth, and implement it confidently.

Whether you need resources, consulting, or a coaching relationship, we’ve got you covered. Let me know how I can help.

Leading With You,
Dr. Gavin Adams

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